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Will test this on Mac but I'm not getting any errors on my windows machine, need to get my hands on a Mac but this is really weird because when we released the update we did testing on Mac.

we will do a more detailed on it :) I think your texture size in the import settings  should match the resolution you have set.

This window should not open by itself! this is a bit weird, it seems that unity caches the windows that was opened before but even though you shouldn't be getting these errors, drop me an email and I will send you a more recent update and lets see what happens :)

Can you reset the layout, let's say to 2 by 3 then clear the error log.

Great! I will connect with them

Hi Frits,

Thanks for reporting your issue.

It is true that most of our development efforts are done in windows but we do have Mac and we do test on it, we have also plenty of users on Mac and generally if you are getting issues then it might be of a conflict with another plugin so could you please try it out in an empty project and tell me what happens!

Also if you can send us the error log from the console window then we would be able to solve the issue pretty quickly for you.

Hope this helps out :)



Hi Pat,

Thanks for reporting this, we will be checking this immediately.



If you have a meshCollider on the object then collision will be completely created in an automated way "not a single click needed :) " whenever you modify your mesh the collider will be modified as well, if you don't have a mesh collider and you want to use other colliders then it should be done manually.

We will be adding this, we are working on an API but we are doing our best to make it easy, some news and demo soon :)

Hi Steven,

Yes, we will update the current icons :) we have some cool stuff being worked and hopefully you will like it.